Cog. and Comp.

What Do We Mean by Comprehension?

·     Synthesis
·     Internal conversations
·     Determining what is important
·     Creating a visual image of the text
·     Monitoring understanding

As I read through these books and the article it became clear that the message regarding teaching reading comprehension is all about thinking. As a teacher our structured learning time is constantly being challenged by outside forces. Sometimes it’s school events, field trips, test prep and other times these challenges manifest in the reader themselves as short attention spans an apathetic attitude. My students want to know what is on the test?  How they can get an A? They tend to resist the work involved to think critically. 
They have been programmed to regurgitate information through clarification of their understanding rather than comprehending what the author means (Keene and Zimmermann). Teachers are so pressed for time and high-stakes testing coupled with an unstable economy have taken a toll on our young students.  It is imperative that we stop and model, question and build upon prior knowledge. There should be time to read and time to talk (Keene and Zimmermann) everyday!
The image of the picture frame (Cummins) struck a chord as I was reading. I began to imagine a picture that I have on my desk and think what would t he students “get” from this? Would they be able to synthesize the information and come up with the meaning? The very next day I had to try. I held up the picture and asked them to describe the details of the photo. It was easy for them and they were happy to offer their insights on the smiles, hair do’s and weather. They argued about the face my daughter was making- smiling, being funny or was she throwing a tantrum? When I asked why I might have framed this particular picture the answers flowed. “It shows how happy you are with your family”, “You love it”, and “It captures everyone’s personalities” It came easily they were able to “look” and “see” (Keene and Zimmermann). How can I make that transition to their schoolwork?
I know that understanding what synthesis is will help students to become more proficient at using strategies to achieve it. It’s getting them to slow down and seemingly work harder in the short run
(Cummins).  Every lesson must relate to content that the students are currently studying, meaningful lessons where background knowledge and vocabulary are available. Cummins suggests starting with a focus lesson instead of modeling. This will help to activate prior knowledge and allow students to practice monitoring for meaning and determining what is important like finding the pasta (Cummins)!
            Teaching students to find the valuable or useful information in informational text is imperative but many students struggle because they don’t drain the water or know what their purpose is. Creating opportunities to help students determine purpose and monitor comprehension will ultimately make reading more rewarding. We owe it to our students to take the time and create opportunities to model comprehension strategies. As I began reading through the texts for this class I started by reading the syllabus six times, underlining assignments and reviewing the rubric. I had a clear picture of how I wanted to capture the information listed about comprehension from so many different sources.
            I had planned a more graphic representation and started with a picture frame surrounding a plate of pasta with bubbles floating across the page representing the main ideas. I eventually mulled the information over for days and began writing my thoughts and bringing to light the overlaps and the main points that the sources all cite.
            I found that although I was dreading synthesizing all the information my margin notes, pictures and sense of purpose made the assignment much easier.

Works Cited

Cummins, Sunday. Close Reading of Informational Texts. New York: The Guilford Press, 2013.

Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis. Strategies That Work. Portland: Stenhouse Publishers, 2007.

Keene, Ellin Oliver and Susan Zimmermann. Mosaic of Thought. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2007.

Richard, L. Allington. "What Really Matters When Working with Struggling Readers." The Reading Teacher (2013).

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