Friday, October 5, 2012


I have discovered recently that my five year old daughter has dyslexia. I began this journey about a year ago when I noticed that Lucy was having difficulty coloring, writing etc. She did not have a dominant hand and I thought she might be ambidextrous. I started with an occupational therapist evaluation that found she had difficulty crossing the mid-line when writing. Then I progressed to a battery of tests by a psychologist who determined that Lucy had dysgraphia. I began working with her to strengthen her hands and practice writing using a variety of multi-sensory activities. 

I am constantly amazed at her strength and determination. She is a happy, creative, caring little girl who makes me so proud. She is decidedly remarkable and I have found, through an evaluation at the Learning Solution, that she has dyslexia. I guess I knew this all along but I needed to go down my own path in order to accept it. She is being coached with the Lips program and the results have been nothing short of amazing. Her articulation and ability to decipher between different sounds that used to blend together is becoming clearer by the day. 

As for my path I am still struggling with my emotions. I know that the tutoring is the best thing for her right now and that we are building a foundation that will withstand many years of education ahead but I also fear for her. I know that our society is one that judges and labels based on differences and I want her to be viewed for what she has and offers not what she lacks. 

I would love to have the power to give all teachers the freedom to teach to students individual learning styles; bringing creativity and individualization back to the world of education. Students should not be labeled in order to make the "system" more efficient. When did we lose sight of the importance of the individual? 

This particular entry is not about the literature I have read lately but I felt an overwhelming need to share my thoughts on this subject as every time I pick up a book to read I now think of Lucy's journey.

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